OER Summit
OER: Zero-to-Sixty in Five Years: Building Advocacy in Arkansas
Description: UA Cossatot has learned a lot about open resources and is eager to share their experience of how they created the most successful OER initiative in Arkansas. Their experience is a transformative step towards a more equitable and accessible education system aligning with contemporary and future learning environments.
Facilitators: Relinda Ruth, Director of Educational Resources and OER Specialist, Cossatot Community College/University of Arkansas
Course Marking at Oklahoma State University
Description: This presentation will describe how OSU Libraries have partnered with the OSU Office of the Registrar to help facilitate student success by implementing a course marking system enabling students to, at the time of enrollment, identify which courses do not require students to purchase commercial resources.
Facilitators: Kathy Essmiller (Oklahoma State University)
For Pete’s Sake: Creating Customizable OER for Student Success
Description: With the rising popularity and availability of Open Educational Resources, educational institutions have the opportunity to bring highly relevant, customizable, and cost-effective content to its students that also creates a sense of community and connection to the university experience at that institution. Speech communication faculty members at Oklahoma State University will share their multiyear journey into exploring creative possibilities with OER and the ways they provide students with recognizable resources that help better prepare students for assignments, encourage reading completion, and create a stronger university culture/spirit. The faculty will discuss the adoption and review process, editing and creation in Pressbooks, customizing photography, updating the text with customized examples, and creating a culture of school spirit and community.
Facilitators: Sasha Hanrahan, Sarah Hollingsworth, Mary Walker, and Megan Linsenmeyer (Oklahoma State University)
The State of OER in Oklahoma 2022
Description: Join the OSRHE online education team to hear what’s happening with OER in Oklahoma this year! Through the initiatives led by the Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE) and Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO), faculty and staff now have access to free professional development, free OER development resources, and grant funding opportunities for those areas. Visit us at http://dev.ocolearnok.org to learn more about our online learning and OER initiatives!
Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)
OER Funding Opportunities Review
Description: For the 2022-23 academic year, OSRHE is offering funding opportunities to faculty and staff at Oklahoma’s public colleges and universities for open educational resources. Join us to hear how you can take advantage of these opportunities! For faculty, open textbook adoption/development grants are available to help convert courses to zero-cost, openly licensed instructional materials. For faculty and staff who support teaching and learning, incentives are available to complete a basic OER training course offered through the Online Consortium of Oklahoma.
Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)
Teaching with Pressbooks
Description: This session will present an example of how an OER textbook supported on the Pressbooks platform is used with pre-service teachers. How the content of the OER was selected and adapted will be discussed as well as open pedagogy strategies used to support the achievement of student learning outcomes.
Facilitators: Jason Proctor (Northeastern State University)
OER 101: An Overview
Description: The benefits of incorporating Open Educational Resources (OER) into our classrooms go far beyond the obvious one of making education more affordable for all, but for many educators and stakeholders, they still hold a little (or a lot!) of mystery. This session will attempt to get everyone on the same page by providing a brief, general overview of OER, including what and where they are, how to use them, the benefits they bring, and where to learn more.
Facilitators: Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College)
Creating a culture of responsiveness: Shifting the concept of office hours
Description: Faculty availability to support learners outside synchronous classroom sessions is vital to learner success. The 20th century solution was defined office hours for scheduled, in-person meetings. Now, with technological advances, new tools, and concepts from services marketing, faculty and administrators can collaborate to create a culture of responsiveness, supporting faculty flexibility that improves learner success.
Facilitators: Dana Gray and Maryann Lamer (Rogers State University)
Personalize Your Google Scholar Library
Description: Creating a personalized Google Scholar Library helps researchers work more efficiently and reduces the overwhelm that can come from such a large quantity of options from results in the Google Scholar search.
Facilitators: Ally Sharp (Langston University)
Exploring H5P: What it means, and how to use it to create dynamic, engaging OER
Description: Dynamic, interactive content can enhance Open Educational Resources such as textbooks and other online materials and allow for greater student satisfaction and higher levels of retention, comprehension, and understanding. H5P, or HTML-5 Packages, make it simple to create customized content such as dialog cards, image collages, drag-the-words, memory games, and much more—all of which can be added to Pressbooks and other publishing platforms. This presentation will help participants understand what HTML5 means and why it’s so important to the modern web, and also demonstrate the process of locating, customizing, and implementing interactive H5P elements in OER materials.
Facilitators: Simon Ringsmuth (Oklahoma State University)
How to Use Pressbooks to Create Your Next OER
Description: 2022 Oklahoma OER Summit: Presented by Amy Song and Jocelyn Jones (Pressbooks), This session will provide information and platform guidance for both novices and experts when creating an OER in Pressbooks. Two representatives from Pressbooks will take you through the process from start to finish.
Facilitators: Amy Song and Jocelyn Jones (Pressbooks)
Teaching of Physics Courses with Open Educational Resources
Description: In this presentation, I will be sharing my experience using different types of Open Educational Resources (OER) in teaching physics courses. Several research studies have shown increase student learning with the use of OER. Materials available on OER can be customized effectively with variety of combinations to create a quality course.
Facilitators: Susmita Hazra (Cameron University)